Hello and welcome to Sri Lanka Holidays Guide; specially designed travel guide to offer you a quick and easy way to search for information about traveling to Sri Lanka. Here, we don’t plan vacations, we don’t have alliances with travel agents, we don’t, in fact, sell anything. What we do is support the Sri Lankan travel industry by giving travellers, who are hoping to visit Sri Lanka, as much as information to help making their decisions. Our aim is to ensure that visitors to Sri Lanka have the best possible start to their holiday by offering a user friendly tourist guide.
All recommendations including sights, activities, hotels, restaurants and shops are based on each author’s individual judgment. We do not accept payments for inclusion of reviews, however we do provide advertising opportunities on this website and proceeds received through donations and advertising help us to host and maintain this website. If you would like to advertise through us, become a sponsor or place a classified advertisement, please contact us without any hesitation.
Although every effort was made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of publishing, the author and the publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions, or any potential travel disruption due to labor or financial difficulty, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.
We believe that traveling can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences and the cultural connections made while traveling can make the world a better place. We also believe that the collective wisdom of travelers and professional writers and editors can provide helpful information for planning a unique and an unforgettable trip.
Sri Lanka Holidays Guide invites you to participate in improving this travel guide by sharing insights and opinions with other travelers about the most spectacular places you visited in Sri Lanka and amazing photos you have taken during your visit.
If you have doubts or questions about anything you see on this site, please fill out our quick contact form and we will respond as soon as we can.
We hope that you find the Sri Lanka Holidays Guide helpful for all your travelling requirements.